Best Coffee for Cold Brew 2024

A Chilly Brew for the Best Taste!

Your Guide: Shaun Gilley | Updated 09/04/2024

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Our top spot for best coffee beans goes to Bizzy Best Smooth and Sweet Organic Cold Brew Coffee, arabica beans roasted medium with notes of caramel and hazelnut.  Bizzy Best Cold Brew Coffee is certified organic, ethically sourced coffee from Guatemala, Peru, and Nicaragua.  That’s a hard combination to beat!  

Coarse ground coffee optimized for cold brewing to give you a consistent, extra smooth cold brew.  Arabica beans roasted light, medium, and dark for a smooth and sweet finish.  Brew your cold brew how you would like. Add more water for a less strong cold brew or less water for a stronger beverage.


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The best Cold Brew Coffee for most people

The best medium roast organic ground coffee.


  • Smooth coffee taste
  • Low natural acidity
  • Organic and ethically sourced


  • Only comes as pre-ground coffee

Cold brew coffee has risen in the ranks of the most famous summer caffeinated beverages in the past few years. To help you understand why, we’ll give you an insider look at what gives that good taste to cold brew. We’ll give you the answers to a few questions about cold brewed coffee beans with a list of the best coffee for cold brew.


6 Top Rated Cold Brew Coffees 

Bizzy Best Organic Coffee for Cold Brew

One of the best cold brew coffees available on the market. Characterized by coarse grind, 100% organic beans from Nicaragua and Peru. The beans contain light, dark, and medium roast arabica for full variety, giving you the best smooth taste for a cold drink.

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  • Smooth coffee taste
  • Low natural acidity
  • Organic and ethically sourced
  • Only available in pre-ground form

Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost coffee beans are an excellent alternative because they are low-acid. The taste of brewed beans with coffee is remarkably balanced. With a distinct acidity, it’s a powerful, bitter coffee. Often shipped fresh, excellent aroma, sweet, smooth taste and special roasting technique are some of the most significant characteristics used specifically for cold brewing.

lifeboost Biotics Brew Coffee
  • 100% Single-Origin Arabica
  • Incredible flavors when cold brewed
  • Limited Supply

Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew Reserve

The flavor properties of the beverage are perfectly balanced. The roasting is done with care by hand, and the beans are carefully chosen. As a consequence, you get beans of the highest quality at a reasonable price. Because of the high quality, the company has boosted its reputation. The best cold brew coffee contains just 100 percent Colombian single-origin arabica beans.

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  • Available as whole-bean or pre-ground coffee
  • Smooth and bold flavor
  • Packaging

Tiny Footprint Coffee – Organic Cold Brew Cold Press Elixir

A soft, silky fragrance, all in your cup at home with notes of chocolate, nuts, fruits, and flowers. It sounds good, doesn’t it? The best organic coffee for cold brewing, high-quality roasting equipment, as well as the processing of beans in small groups make this brand a very worthy choice for cold brewing.

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00BN4WBOK&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=bestcoffee092 20&language=en USir?t=bestcoffee092 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00BN4WBOK
  • Smooth and silky taste
  • relatively inexpensive
  • a little more on the bitter side

Coffee Bros Whole Bean, Cold Brew, Medium Roast

Coffee Bros’ cold brew mix, with traces of berry, has an outstanding coffee-chocolate taste. Connoisseurs of coffee will also be able to capture notes of brown sugar. Characterized by great aroma, sweetness, smooth taste, always shipped fresh, and a special roasting method used specifically for cold brewing.

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B087D4RMFK&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=bestcoffee092 20&language=en USir?t=bestcoffee092 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B087D4RMFK
  • Fair Trade, USDA Certified Organic
  • Natural caffeine boost
  • Will refund your order, no questions asked if you don’t like
  • Robusta and Arabica blend

Volcanica Coffee – Cold Brew, Whole Bean

The Volcanica Coffee Company is known for making high-quality blends of coffee. A bold dark Sumatra coffee which is low in acidity and high in flavor is this particular blend. Made in a 16 Oz bag of 100 percent Arabica beans, it comes with the option of buying whole beans or ground coffee.

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  • Trustworthy brand
  • Consistent quality
  • Low acidity
  • a little more expensive

How to select the best coffee beans for cold brew

Because such a complete and complex flavor profile is brought out by the cold brewing process, this is certainly the time to learn more about selecting the best beans for cold brew. With this brewing method, a single-origin coffee especially will shine. The best choice for making cold brew coffee is a coarse grind.

For optimum extraction, a finer grind will appear to clump together, and the cold water needs to flow freely through the ground coffee. It would be a shame to dilute your cold brew after carefully extracting all of the subtle aromas out of your perfectly roasted and ground single-origin coffee beans. The uncompromising purist in you has an easy solution: use some of your cold brew to fill an ice cube tray for ice cubes to cool your coffee.


  • When it comes to beans that have been sitting around for a couple of weeks, cold brew is more forgiving. Extreme freshness is not as important as it is for other methods of brewing.
  • Until you know what works best, you might want to buy cheaper coffees, then play with more expensive coffees if you want to.

What is the most effective way to brew cold brew?

Cold brewing is as easy as combining ground coffee with cool water and steeping the mixture overnight in the refrigerator, which can be served immediately or stored for up to two weeks. What is the BEST way to brew cold brew? Here are the steps:

  • Use a ratio of 8 ounces of coffee ground to 8 cups of water, which is 1 ounce of ground coffee per cup of water, making it easier to scale up or down this recipe. Try using a greater coffee-to-water ratio. Play with it.  In drip coffee, around 1/2 of an ounce of coffee is used per cup.
  • Cover and place to rest for 12-24 hours inside your fridge. You don’t have to put it in your fridge, but you might as well.
  • Strain it through a sieve, cheesecloth, or even a coffee filter to extract larger clumps of grounds until it tastes like something you’d want to drink (not too strong, not too weak, Goldilocks stuff).
  • Add any sort of milk you want. If you like, drop in a dollop of sugar or two. Pour over the ice. You just made a cold brew!

In addition to the fact that this technique allows for a longer-lasting brew that can be prepared in large batches, cold brew coffee tastes fantastic. A smooth, mellow cup of coffee that has very little acidity or bitterness is produced through the cold steeping process. 

Best organic coffee beans for cold brew

One of the brands with the most caffeine-rich cold brew coffee out there. The caffeine boost you need to get through the day. These coffee beans are ideal for cold brewing. They’re fair trade, organic, and kosher certified by the USDA.

A great choice if you like citrus flavors in your cold brew beans is this dark roast by Real Good Coffee. Also, you’ll find traces of cream and milk chocolate. It’s made from 100% Arabica beans, and it has a more subtle taste than others on our list of top cold brew coffee beans.

The firm is well-known for being organic, so if you care for mother nature as much as you care for your coffee, it’s a perfect choice. A special combination of organic light and dark roast beans, these whole bean cold brew coffee beans are sourced from 100% shade-grown Arabica beans.

How roast affects flavor in cold brew

The majority of drinkers prefer dark roast for their cold brew. The degree of roasting and the degree of dark, light, and medium beans influences the flavors. And for that, there is an explanation.

Cold brew tends to taste darker, richer, nutty, chocolaty, syrupy, or earthy. And even though the brighter notes can be removed, the robust flavors overshadow the brighter ones.